The premier masterclass for using Mailchimp to run your online business.

Having Mailchimp as your newsletter software is a smart choice, but it only gets you part of the way to profitability and sustainability.

In my masterclass, Chimp Essentials, I teach you how to turn Mailchimp from an expense into a tool that generates revenue, engages your customers, and saves you time running your digital business. You’ll go from paying for Mailchimp as an expense, to using Mailchimp to drive profit.

Chimp Essentials opens just a few times a year. Get notified + snag a discount:

Chimp Essentials is the most popular and complete Mailchimp training ever?!

This is easily the most up-to-date and complete training out there, with almost 7,000 students and straight-forward video lessons on every major feature. By learning the essentials, you’ll have the knowledge and confidence to be an email marketing master.

You could spend days (or, let’s face it, weeks) trying to figure out the best way to use a newsletter for your online business—or you could learn what you need from Chimp Essentials in just a few hours.

You get instant + forever access to 45+ video walk-through lessons

Chimp Essentials is entirely online, and taught through self-paced videos. The masterclass is also constantly being updated and improved. Not to mention, our alums get those updates free of charge, forever. Even though this masterclass only opens twice a year, paid students have access to the materials all year.

There are lessons for the different Mailchimp plans (from Free to Standard, but not Premium which comes with phone support from Mailchimp), so if you ever upgrade or change plans, you’ll be covered.

All lessons also have closed captions and transcriptions available.

Hear what past students have to say about Chimp Essentials

Davida Pitts raised over $38,000 for a crowdfunding campaign

Read this success story

Jocelyn K. Glei consistently grew her list before her big book launch

Read this success story

Mike Rohde landed several speaking gigs after redesigning his newsletter

Read this success story

QuHarrison amassed 4,578 subscribers in 3 months

Read this success story

This is the best how-to online course I’ve ever taken.

Max Daniels

Mailchimp is a good investment. Chimp Essentials is a great investment.

RJ Lewis

Like everything else Paul does, this is full of smart and practical tips. Essential for anyone using MailChimp.

Calt Flanders

I’ve already seen a 3x in traffic from my emails using a few quick wins from Paul’s masterclass.

Sujan Patel

Paul has gotten to a point where he knows all the nuances of Mailchimp (and what it can do for business owners). When I need expert, specific help to make magic happen, he’s who I call on

David Sherry

From best practices in email marketing to the more advanced but necessary Groups and Merge tags, Chimp Essentials has helped me massively to use Mailchimp and email marketing properly.

Pascale Recher

I’m Paul Jarvis, Chimp Essentials instructor and Mailchimp Partner

I’ve used Mailchimp to run my online business for years and helped hundreds of clients do the same. This masterclass provides from-the-trenches expertise on how you should be getting the most out of your email marketing and Mailchimp account.

My own list is my main source of income and I reach almost 35,000 subscribers with my weekly newsletter, The Sunday Dispatches (which has been featured in USA Today, WIRED, Fast Company, Vice, and even several times on Mailchimp’s own blog). I also host a podcast for Mailchimp, talking to business owners during the COVID-19 pandemic.

I’ve made and helped others make millions with email, and this masterclass explains exactly how I’ve done it.


Chimp Essentials opens just a few times a year. Get notified + snag a discount: